

River Architects, PLLC was hired to design the all-new 7,050 sf facilities that house two beverage businesses- a state of the art brewery, and an importer of organic fruit nectars from around the world. River Architects had provided architectural design services, building and systems efficiency strategies, and LEED certification administration. Total construction and fit-out budget: $3M

The building was completed in fall of 2014, and LEED certification was awarded in January of 2017.

LEED Gold (v2.2) was awarded to the project, with 6 out of 10 Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 points awarded for energy performance, reflecting an improvement of greater than 28% over ASHRAE 90.1 2004 Appendix G. Energy modeling was provided by the mechanical engineer for the project, Aztech Engineering. Energy efficiencies initiated by River Architects were continuous exterior insulation with the elimination of thermal bridges, doubling of wall and roof R-values over code, and continuous insulation under the slab. These measures resulted in reducing the ground source heat pump system by approximately 50% as substantiated by the mechanical engineer’s model. Renewable energy systems include the above-mentioned ground source heat pump for heating and cooling, solar thermal collection for brew house process water, heat-recovery from process water, and photovoltaic electricity generation. Visit the Catskill Brewery here!